Commanders Community of War2Victory

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Army Recruiting Command Today: 0|Theme: 115|Rank: 4 

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Why I have been muted in the game? 新人帖 Abhi 2019-12-21 010 Abhi 2019-12-21 10:38
Vote How and When W2V will die?  ...2 spree 2015-1-12 18436 muller_cj 2017-7-5 00:05
Vote wistone should upgrade feilds to lvl 20 keep42 2014-12-22 562 AXTLAN1972 2017-5-29 13:14
Vote waiting on the heals? Nox 2016-5-12 030 Nox 2016-6-9 06:53
Waitting on a heal request ♠♠Strike♠♠ 2016-4-18 231 Nox 2016-5-12 23:07
ALOT OF WINEY BITCHES HERE 新人帖 Newave 2016-4-23 159 Repete 2016-4-27 19:14
VIP HEAL GRANTED BUT NO TROOPS 新人帖 jenks 2016-4-8 037 jenks 2016-4-8 12:09
Mutiny, or the lack of. DemonDraeb 2016-2-11 128 stubbs 2016-3-8 18:58
PLZ BE AWARE, WISTONE ARE RIPPING YOU OFF!!!!! MILKY1968 2015-2-7 6122 DemonDraeb 2016-2-11 00:13
pinoy clan please invite me gokens 2016-1-28 010 gokens 2016-1-28 05:46
[$420$] Recruiting 新人帖 eligos 2015-12-10 147 Michael 2016-1-19 20:56
Vanguard assault 新人帖  ...23 jas 2014-6-7 26240 AXTLAN1972 2015-11-22 03:57
Vote When Wistone screws up our accounts, which they seem to do alot  ...2 spree 2014-11-6 19168 Fuhrer 2015-11-20 14:59
So as twightlight sets on the game, why is lag worse than ever? spree 2015-9-28 227 Gunn 2015-10-6 10:29
Vote On capture of an officer, wc should post the following: spree 2014-8-27 9109 wadyaua 2015-9-13 09:53
Officer reputation 新人帖 khikha 2015-3-23 348 Binladin 2015-9-8 01:40
WHATS THE STRONGEST SERVER IN THE GAME  ...2 DEATH. 2014-8-7 19173 Fuhrer 2015-6-15 04:31
Warehouses  ...2 Briar 2014-8-18 1364 lizard 2015-6-2 19:53
Thumbs up 新人帖  ...2 ~Biggin~ 2014-6-9 1165 Relentless 2015-5-14 06:32
Itwould be cool if they could put a atomic bomb or an h-bomb in gamel 新人帖 yomama 2014-11-25 121 Uforian 2015-3-19 11:05
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