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Vote anybody like my questions MALAY 2014-11-8 231 Uforian 2015-3-19 10:39
Vote general why prefer  ...2 bobyhoby 2014-6-22 16148 Uforian 2015-3-19 10:38
Vote which is a better troop MALAY 2014-11-8 485 Uforian 2015-3-19 10:37
Vote what will be the cost of diamond MALAY 2014-11-9 135 Uforian 2015-3-19 10:36
Vote do u love this game MALAY 2014-11-11 538 Uforian 2015-3-19 10:35
Vote should gears could be enhance like badges keep42 2014-12-22 328 Uforian 2015-3-19 10:34
Vote should research center have a secondary research technology keep42 2014-12-22 224 Uforian 2015-3-19 10:33
Vote should wistone have new gears next year keep42 2014-12-22 125 Uforian 2015-3-19 10:32
Vote In exchange of gold what other stuff should we get in this forum? zourdik 2014-12-16 631 Uforian 2015-3-19 10:30
Vote new merge is completely horrendous wistone should fix this and Aries 2014-12-25 462 Uforian 2015-3-19 10:28
Vote Quartermaster points needs more variety to trade in for 新人帖  ...2 Angrymatty 2014-6-21 14123 Mous 2015-3-19 10:26
Vote wistone is taking away officer experience they should Aries 2014-12-1 251 Uforian 2015-3-19 10:25
Vote Should wistone give everyone free gold? 新人帖  ...2 Notorious 2014-11-30 1173 Uforian 2015-3-19 10:24
Vote should oil be more on special mission then gold keep42 2014-12-22 424 Uforian 2015-3-19 10:23
Vote how many troops are to be there in one city (food production is 50k) MALAY 2014-11-9 549 Uforian 2015-3-18 08:57
Vote W2V ideas. GM take note!  ...2 DarkE1 2014-12-12 12102 Im2blame 2015-3-18 08:55
Vote Which of the following "conspiracys" theories do you believe are true?  ...2 spree 2014-10-3 16142 Djongmario 2015-3-18 08:53
Vote Should all officers be able to reach lvl 140? Infamous 2014-11-30 147 Mous 2015-3-18 08:50
Vote if your citys siezed- officers  ...234 nipplez 2014-7-1 33281 Uforian 2015-3-18 08:49
Vote Is GM now playing undercover in G2 under the name Xi Jinping? spree 2014-12-28 081 spree 2015-3-6 00:51
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