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Kindle - still no upgrade Vvvvvv 2015-2-16 07 Vvvvvv 2015-2-16 18:31
No connection 新人帖 Vvvvvv 2015-2-16 011 Vvvvvv 2015-2-16 18:29
Vote do you agree  ...23 bobyhoby 2014-8-5 24128 JoeMasWolf 2015-1-14 03:55
Vote why should not be celebration of every month will last for 10 days MALAY 2014-11-8 130 MALAY 2015-1-4 06:07
Vote what would make the game more interesting Aries 2014-11-4 152 MALAY 2015-1-4 06:05
Vote In iOS WiStone should start further server merges ASAP  ...234 spree 2014-7-2 33163 MALAY 2014-12-28 02:44
Vote should feilds be more like the Halloween advent like the haunted houses keep42 2014-12-24 012 keep42 2014-12-28 02:37
Vote does anyone really like the officer drop down to the maximum 120 lvl keep42 2014-12-22 119 91Bravo 2014-12-28 02:36
Using my free Vip3 heal 新人帖 Oklahoma 2014-12-17 036 Oklahoma 2014-12-17 10:43
Here you have a other picture about!!! attach_img SEA 2014-12-8 422 conquer 2014-12-15 04:27
Ivan, why I don't get vip3 status? attach_img SEA 2014-12-8 015 SEA 2014-12-8 01:26
count 44  ...234 SEA 2014-11-30 3636 Infamous 2014-12-4 11:19
posting like it was face book warner 2014-11-28 26 91Bravo 2014-12-2 22:53
officer experience 新人帖 warner 2014-11-26 013 warner 2014-11-26 00:13
ivan SEA 2014-11-17 448 REMY666 2014-11-20 04:19
they need to add atomic bombs in the game  ...2 shankzilla 2014-6-18 1144 91Bravo 2014-11-14 00:50
Vote how to get ww2 hero?  ...234 MALAY 2014-6-4 35341 S56Unknown 2014-9-28 03:03
Vote how do you think bobyhoby 2014-8-12 543 wadyaua 2014-9-25 16:34
elite commisions  ...2 abhijeetsir 2014-6-9 1798 wadyaua 2014-9-25 16:31
daily sign in 新人帖  ...23 R€DBEARD 2014-6-21 27108 wadyaua 2014-9-25 16:11
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