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Reward Spending Diamonds 新人帖 - [Reward 1 Gold]  ...234 FearTheBurrito 2014-12-23 31140 _X_ 2015-3-29 09:55
Vote Chat with the GM agree  ...234 Darkangelzxs 2014-6-19 39233 consistent 2015-3-24 11:09
Better playing and Honorable players 新人帖 afroninja 2014-6-15 950 mmb110 2015-3-23 06:01
Android_M10_Aries Ivan 2014-5-23 648 mmb110 2015-3-21 09:07
theres so much i need to learn on this game waistone 2015-1-7 421 mmb110 2015-3-21 09:03
truck trick if being farmed keep42 2014-12-23 553 mmb110 2015-3-21 09:01
Enjoyment Fuhrer 2015-3-8 219 Fuhrer 2015-3-20 14:28
why is the Challenge ???? can some one expl 新人帖  ...2 iliria 2014-5-30 1972 Uforian 2015-3-18 10:45
bord posting waistone 2015-1-4 212 Uforian 2015-3-18 09:45
Android_S47_Sir Tanne Ivan 2014-5-23 112 mmb110 2015-3-17 09:23
I WANT MY MONEY BACK teresa32 2015-2-24 126 mmb110 2015-3-17 09:18
what perk means in staff hq 新人帖 jÏΠ 2015-2-18 139 mmb110 2015-3-17 09:10
THE END FOR WISTONE!! MILKY1968 2015-2-27 558 Fuhrer 2015-3-8 02:06
Why is my food in the negative with no troops? 新人帖 Totenkopf 2015-2-26 09 Totenkopf 2015-2-26 12:08
How Officers work in the new update attach_img Infamous 2015-2-6 9110 Dormin 2015-2-24 05:16
commissary 新人帖 superman 2015-2-22 012 superman 2015-2-22 16:27
not connecting to server  ...2 Geo30! 2015-2-16 1077 Miller199103 2015-2-17 00:27
Mutiny due to GM turning hazards on early! KiLLuMiNaTi 2015-2-9 125 BALCH 2015-2-14 10:38
update unstable? Dan-E1 2015-2-12 118 BALCH 2015-2-14 10:35
Wistone Update BALCH 2015-2-4 889 remco 2015-2-8 16:54
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