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challenge function¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..!.. 新人帖 johnnyapple 2015-7-16 012 johnnyapple 2015-7-16 15:40
don't understand 新人帖 Draygone 2015-7-12 016 Draygone 2015-7-12 20:36
Vote Shouldnt we be able to add hero slots to reguler officers!  ...23 Aries 2014-8-6 30170 mmb110 2015-6-21 15:51
Reward Illuminatiiii 3333333333333333 - [Resolved] CptBeast 2015-6-3 435 Fuhrer 2015-6-17 05:44
Vote Are research times too long?  ...23 KiLLuMiNaTi 2014-7-1 26147 Uforian 2015-6-17 03:56
Ever had a CF (Conversation Fail)? 新人帖  ...2 CHESTY 2014-6-15 1056 mmb110 2015-6-12 18:43
Reward who wants 300 Gold? - [Resolved] Relentless 2015-5-21 832 CptBeast 2015-6-3 04:00
Medal Of Valour _X_ 2015-5-26 014 _X_ 2015-5-26 19:32
This game sux and Wistone are greedy fuks zorlack76 2015-5-7 117 Relentless 2015-5-25 10:46
badge and stockpile organisation Peeler 2015-4-5 340 Relentless 2015-5-22 05:34
Do my eyes decieve me... or is GM realy THAT stupid? Relentless 2015-5-8 024 Relentless 2015-5-8 04:10
Is the GM dead? Artkin 2015-3-26 449 Dan-E1 2015-5-6 07:00
Vote What should Wistone do, take away mutiny or provide bigger amounts of food?  ...2 Survivor 2014-7-30 16142 mmb110 2015-4-23 15:57
Vote Are special forces worth training??  ...23 KiLLuMiNaTi 2014-7-1 25188 Uforian 2015-4-23 15:46
kindle can no longer be used for game Badger 2015-2-5 127 rusharmy 2015-4-19 10:02
GM01 _X_ 2015-4-18 015 _X_ 2015-4-18 10:29
Reward free events - [Reward 1 Gold]  ...23456 shankzilla 2014-6-17 55222 christop 2015-4-3 11:55
W2V update problems... 新人帖 _X_ 2015-3-29 223 Gunn 2015-4-3 07:51
Reward How to get a free healing ? 新人帖 - [Reward 1 Gold]  ...2 Mutiny 2014-10-9 13102 mmb110 2015-4-1 06:23
Reward will wistone make changes 新人帖 - [Reward 2 Gold]  ...23456 BISMARCK 2014-6-3 57192 _X_ 2015-3-29 09:58
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