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does ivan ignore everyone? DemonDraeb 2016-2-12 016 DemonDraeb 2016-2-12 21:52
Android Servers Working? Fatboy2 2016-1-19 123 Nox 2016-2-1 02:12
how can i get this 32k diamonds attach_img gokens 2016-1-28 030 gokens 2016-1-28 06:05
Are Google app money codes allow to b used in War2Victory 新人帖 junkyarddawg 2016-1-23 013 junkyarddawg 2016-1-23 19:53
Vote Free diamonds  ...23456..7 CptBeast 2014-8-22 65533 DEMON 2016-1-14 15:39
can alexandrovich tambow be captured darkwolf 2015-12-12 023 darkwolf 2015-12-12 06:03
Reward Back War2 Victory Details about these equipments Lv.140 Emperor Set: 9 Pie... - [Reward 1 Gold] pauldolph 2015-11-18 475 pauldolph 2015-12-11 15:51
Teutonic gear pauldolph 2015-12-11 028 pauldolph 2015-12-11 15:38
Vote Why do servers die? 新人帖  ...2 MVD 2014-7-13 1194 biggyjess 2015-11-20 14:57
worste v2 troll attach_img Rich 2015-11-18 024 Rich 2015-11-18 19:28
Vip 9 Rich 2015-11-18 023 Rich 2015-11-18 19:22
Vote Is Fritz good hero to buy?  ...234 KiLLuMiNaTi 2014-6-14 33257 Relentless 2015-11-17 11:41
selling officers and gear 新人帖 elxyonky 2015-10-17 142 zourdik 2015-10-18 07:10
Vote What would you like to see most as a reward in an event?  ...234 zantow 2014-6-17 36317 STRYKER 2015-9-29 22:11
Senior General Promotion zorlack76 2014-11-7 862 Lincoln 2015-9-5 08:41
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Start new servers! - LISTEN WISTONE!!!4444four CptBeast 2015-5-28 555 CptBeast 2015-8-29 13:43
Reward how many knows this - [Reward 10 Gold]  ...234 warner 2014-11-28 35245 hades 2015-8-10 14:04
HEROES _X_ 2015-7-23 151 ⭐Jacob⭐ 2015-7-25 07:36
Axis and Allies _X_ 2015-7-16 014 _X_ 2015-7-16 20:48
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