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Vote Mobile web style community tab  ...2 CptBeast 2014-8-22 1227 CptBeast 2014-8-31 23:10
Vote Remove system messages in chat CptBeast 2014-8-22 212 CptBeast 2014-8-31 23:10
Vote Rewards fkr online time on forum Trojan 2014-8-14 322 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:09
Vote OLD Darkangelzxs 2014-8-1 216 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:09
Vote infantry is best disagree  ...2 MALAY 2014-6-5 1460 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:08
Vote Should The Price Of Secret Order V Be Reduced Greatly?  ...2 253 2014-6-24 1170 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:08
Vote CONTEST Darkangelzxs 2014-7-10 634 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:07
Vote W2V Darkangelzxs 2014-8-1 340 nipplez 2014-8-31 23:05
Vote Alliance Missions  ...2 CptBeast 2014-8-21 1251 CptBeast 2014-8-31 23:05
Vote Spy officer CptBeast 2014-8-22 843 khunbros 2014-8-31 23:05
Vote Lottery weekends Darkangelzxs 2014-8-1 428 Fatsac 2014-8-31 23:04
Vote should wistone have representatives for gamers other than gms? yourdad 2014-6-21 835 253 2014-8-31 23:04
Vote Chat.  ...2 Darkangelzxs 2014-6-19 1140 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:03
Vote A chance Darkangelzxs 2014-7-10 636 CptBeast 2014-8-31 23:03
Vote Should we get to vote on what to put in the shop? Rayleigh 2014-6-26 630 Fatsac 2014-8-31 23:03
Vote Alliance VS Alliance Battle 253 2014-6-19 1092 Trojan 2014-8-31 23:02
Vote who is best to deffeat the wall  ...2 iliria 2014-5-30 17102 JoeMasWolf 2014-8-31 23:02
Vote Who thinks that the mutiny system sucks Aries 2014-7-11 343 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:02
Vote which is better  ...2 percy 2014-5-31 1998 spit 2014-8-31 23:00
Vote What event you want on next maintenace? agree  ...2345 Darkangelzxs 2014-6-2 45212 Pappu 2014-8-31 23:00
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