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Vote Koth events do u like getting troops when you have a certain amount of troops? 新人帖 Ali 2014-7-27 769 Mous 2014-9-17 06:38
DEFENSIVE TACTICS attach_img agree YOOPY 2014-9-15 449 YOOPY 2014-9-17 03:59
REBOOT. unexpected error. .. 新人帖  ...2 DEMON 2014-9-16 1126 sinmane 2014-9-17 00:06
other issues with m10 ★Stoney★ 2014-9-16 15 ★Stoney★ 2014-9-16 19:43
You know what's funny?? 新人帖 zorlack76 2014-6-15 424 spit 2014-9-16 16:35
Reward why do we play war to victory? - [Resolved] sinmane 2014-9-15 315 khunbros 2014-9-16 00:33
pls tell me attach_img khunbros 2014-9-13 415 sinmane 2014-9-15 07:04
how can I get my money back J23 2014-9-13 29 REMY666 2014-9-14 10:55
Reward armor div good vs land 新人帖 - [Reward 1 Gold]  ...2 Osama£aden 2014-6-11 2086 Trojan 2014-9-13 05:40
Reward hello - [Resolved] $$YMCMB$$ 2014-8-16 312 Mous 2014-9-12 22:02
Reward Gear - [Resolved]  ...2 Trojan 2014-8-14 19106 Specific 2014-9-12 21:13
Game Update 新人帖  ...23 Trojan 2014-7-20 2272 Rsyam69 2014-9-12 21:05
EASY WAY TO HAVE A HERO FOR A START 新人帖  ...2 DRAGOONAIRE 2014-6-18 1287 Random 2014-9-12 20:19
NPC's  ...2 Trojan 2014-9-9 1427 CptBeast 2014-9-12 13:25
Reward HELP! Someone WHAT DO I SEND TO KILL THIS! - [Resolved] W2VKING 2014-6-16 848 Random 2014-9-12 11:51
Troops & Defenses Explained with detail attach_img agree  ...2 YOOPY 2014-9-5 1185 YOOPY 2014-9-12 01:36
Vote which type of new reward you want in daily mission?  ...2 MALAY 2014-6-5 17120 Trojan 2014-9-9 13:38
war use fighter is bettter Osama£aden 2014-6-11 517 YOOPY 2014-9-9 13:11
ANDROID UPDATE daveyfc16 2014-7-22 221 YOOPY 2014-9-9 13:03
Vote How/where did you know/find War 2 Victory in Android? agree  ...2 daveyfc16 2014-6-23 1171 YOOPY 2014-9-9 13:02
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