Commanders Community of War2Victory

Hot Search: event hero diamonds
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last event? bunge 2014-9-22 111 ★Stoney★ 2014-9-22 18:12
key event bunge 2014-9-22 15 sdr 2014-9-22 17:07
Troop dispatch favorite button ThatOneGuy 2014-9-21 09 ThatOneGuy 2014-9-21 16:05
GM / player Room  ...2 Mous 2014-9-18 1125 Mous 2014-9-21 16:02
diamond treasure khunbros 2014-9-19 620 Mous 2014-9-21 11:04
selling account  ...2 Mous 2014-9-18 1962 Mous 2014-9-20 18:20
Megaserver ? Peeler 2014-6-17 935 ★Stoney★ 2014-9-20 09:41
rask  ...2 rask 2014-7-20 1251 rask 2014-9-20 01:44
super rask rask 2014-7-21 837 rask 2014-9-18 18:32
A free server 新人帖  ...2 darkwolf 2014-7-2 1231 JoeMasWolf 2014-9-18 09:32
Vote should new troops can be introduced?  ...2 MALAY 2014-6-4 1578 Mous 2014-9-18 08:35
Vote should gm become more activey in the game and battle aginst us and add smart ai christop 2014-8-12 631 Mous 2014-9-18 08:34
please pay attension on free players 新人帖 agree  ...2 blackbird 2014-6-16 1257 Mous 2014-9-18 03:47
Vote which is better troops?  ...2 MALAY 2014-6-5 1248 Gravity 2014-9-17 23:54
CHALLENGER SUPPLY PACK R€DBEARD 2014-6-27 928 Gravity 2014-9-17 23:28
Vote how would you rate wistone customer services ? 新人帖 agree  ...2 SvenmkII 2014-8-6 1355 Gravity 2014-9-17 23:13
Vote Allied Attacks is it time? Sick of farmville players vote yes. Shagg 2014-5-31 752 Gravity 2014-9-17 23:06
OLD HEROS 新人帖  ...23456 R€DB€@RD 2014-5-27 52194 Gravity 2014-9-17 23:04
GUIDE TO JEWELLERY (ADVANCING IN RANK) attach_img agree  ...2 YOOPY 2014-9-15 1060 YOOPY 2014-9-17 22:55
CAPTURING A CITY attach_img agree YOOPY 2014-9-15 454 YOOPY 2014-9-17 08:57
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