Commanders Community of War2Victory

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本版置顶 Hide top General Rules of Commanders Community of War 2 Victory  ...2 Ivan 2014-5-20 13238 mmb110 2015-3-17 09:20
本版置顶 Hide top Index of All Helpful Articles(Guide/Experience/Strategies...etc) 推荐 Ivan 2014-7-25 2405 wadyaua 2014-9-26 16:26
本版置顶 Hide top All Most Helpful writings have been displayed in Archives of War2Victory Ivan 2014-5-23 3239 wadyaua 2014-9-26 16:26
OLD HEROS 新人帖  ...23456 R€DB€@RD 2014-5-27 52194 Gravity 2014-9-17 23:04
Reward free events - [Reward 1 Gold]  ...23456 shankzilla 2014-6-17 55222 christop 2015-4-3 11:55
Vote Who is your favorite hero  ...23456 yourdad 2014-5-30 53478 mmb110 2018-1-6 06:21
Reward will wistone make changes 新人帖 - [Reward 2 Gold]  ...23456 BISMARCK 2014-6-3 57192 _X_ 2015-3-29 09:58
Vote Should the killing of heroes be removed from game?  ...23456 KiLLuMiNaTi 2014-6-21 52497 Timblair0921 2017-9-2 11:53
Vote Begginers Hero 新人帖  ...234 Darkangelzxs 2014-5-27 40528 FelixRuno 2017-8-9 18:53
Vote Free diamonds  ...23456..7 CptBeast 2014-8-22 65533 DEMON 2016-1-14 15:39
Vote What event you want on next maintenace? agree  ...2345 Darkangelzxs 2014-6-2 45212 Pappu 2014-8-31 23:00
Stop the 'FOOD TRICK'  ...2345 Zangief 2014-12-17 43250 Badger 2014-12-26 18:46
Vote What would you like to see most as a reward in an event?  ...234 zantow 2014-6-17 36317 STRYKER 2015-9-29 22:11
Vote Chat with the GM agree  ...234 Darkangelzxs 2014-6-19 39233 consistent 2015-3-24 11:09
Vote What kind of person are you when it comes to war?  ...234 yourdad 2014-5-30 34162 91Bravo 2014-12-22 17:03
Reward how many knows this - [Reward 10 Gold]  ...234 warner 2014-11-28 35245 hades 2015-8-10 14:04
Vote Is Fritz good hero to buy?  ...234 KiLLuMiNaTi 2014-6-14 33257 Relentless 2015-11-17 11:41
Vote Do you think they should create a "free only" server?  ...23 hambone 2014-6-4 27130 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:16
Vote Should Wistone include Aldof Hitler in the New Hero list?  ...23 Killua 2014-6-18 30121 CptBeast 2014-9-2 14:18
Vote Are research times too long?  ...23 KiLLuMiNaTi 2014-7-1 26147 Uforian 2015-6-17 03:56
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