Commanders Community of War2Victory

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Author Replies / Views Last Post
We begged for events and wistone don't give a fuk Izak 2015-10-25 136 Greed 2015-10-25 19:52
Why was SR removed?  ...23 spree 2015-4-17 25153 spree 2015-9-9 12:34
What's up with the game CptBeast 2015-8-29 025 CptBeast 2015-8-29 13:42
Vote Mutinies and Healing are way to expensive  ...2 Aries 2014-8-6 14106 CptBeast 2015-7-28 23:46
Why don't ALERTS work! 新人帖 Banjo✨ 2015-6-29 140 superman 2015-7-20 10:08
Ultra mines 新人帖 cbhz 2015-5-22 334 EvilLoki 2015-7-15 08:50
How long do you plan to continue playing?  ...2 CptBeast 2015-5-22 1054 Relentless 2015-6-3 06:49
Reward SERIOUS! MUST SEE! (get it?)... - [Resolved] Relentless 2015-5-5 573 Relentless 2015-5-28 09:43
Gambling in this post - THE DAY OF 10!!! - [Replies reward 70 ] CptBeast 2015-5-28 411 CptBeast 2015-5-28 07:08
hi. imgonna gev awy 1000 gold. giv mi yor opinyon abut thiz CptBeast 2015-5-22 213 CptBeast 2015-5-27 04:00
remove game from app store Tito 2015-5-8 337 CptBeast 2015-5-22 01:41
time to come to quit  ...2 khunbros 2014-12-27 15142 CptBeast 2015-5-22 01:37
Reward Gold giveaway - [Resolved] CptBeast 2015-5-21 313 CptBeast 2015-5-22 01:22
IMPORTANT  ...2 Fuhrer 2015-3-8 1395 Relentless 2015-5-16 10:44
The Update... Relentless 2015-5-14 015 Relentless 2015-5-14 08:55
Reward Reward for First person to wipe all Spree troops and colonize him - [Reward 1 Gold] KINGCBtheLORD 2015-4-15 990 Relentless 2015-5-13 09:40
Time to play Fuhrer 2015-5-12 113 Greed 2015-5-13 00:22
Vote What is the best kind of alliance? yourdad 2014-7-8 658 Fuhrer 2015-5-12 20:05
Why is the word GM censored in WC spree 2015-4-17 229 Relentless 2015-5-4 13:48
when is next field event? 新人帖 Jaypwr 2015-4-30 011 Jaypwr 2015-4-30 04:13
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