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本版置顶 Hide top Links of Our facebook page and Twitter  ...2345 Ivan 2014-5-21 48564 EvilLoki 2015-7-10 14:53
2.6.1 patch preview, the biggest updates for War2Victory (iOS) attach_img heatlevel  ...234 Ivan 2015-4-9 36985 NOBODY™ 2015-1-4 17:45
2.6.0 patch preview, the biggest updates for War2Victory (Android) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..16 Ivan 2015-1-23 1543090 pauldolph 2015-1-4 17:45
Server merging Q&A(FOR M9,M10,M11,M12,S53,S54,S55 AND S56) heatlevel  ...23456..17 Ivan 2014-12-17 1601366 sg1 2015-1-4 17:45
G2 Server merge Diamonds recover requesting Post heatlevel  ...23456..8 Ivan 2014-11-24 73890 5thReich 2015-1-4 17:45
Secret Order attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..8 Ivan 2014-6-20 763011 Patrons31 2017-8-2 08:56
All Suits heatlevel  ...23456..8 Ivan 2014-6-29 731534 Nike 2014-12-31 13:16
Weekly VIP Prizes heatlevel  ...23456..10 Ivan 2014-7-18 932298 Gunn 2015-7-28 16:09
(Android)About Mutiny  ...23456..9 Ivan 2014-7-2 881319 Nike 2015-1-4 17:45
New Vip Troop healing service  ...23456..10 Ivan 2014-7-18 942851 Lester 2017-6-5 01:00
Up to 2000% Bonus !!!(Android Edition) attach_img  ...23456..11 Ivan 2014-8-21 1082368 Nike 2015-1-4 17:45
Server merging Q&A(FOR E1,E2,E3) attach_img  ...23456..7 Ivan 2014-12-3 691130 Optimus 2015-1-4 17:45
Lists of winner of the Prize Writing Event  ...23456 Ivan 2014-5-21 54682 wadyaua 2014-10-21 02:25
VIP Service  ...23456..7 Ivan 2014-7-18 653649 JoeMasWolf 2015-1-3 13:38
Android Hero List  ...2345 Ivan 2014-7-23 461398 arw 2015-1-7 23:46
How to reply with images attach_img  ...23456 Ivan 2014-6-19 52716 wadyaua 2014-10-21 02:29
Up to 2000% Bonus !!!(iOS Edition) attach_img  ...23456..12 Ivan 2014-8-22 1151740 Ali 2014-12-13 14:36
Server merging Q&A (FOR H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6,H7,H8)  ...23456..8 Ivan 2014-10-14 701020 Ali 2014-12-15 21:18
(Android)About Auto Transportation  ...234 Ivan 2014-10-15 35888 Tigers9 2015-2-16 02:56
Officer Adjustment Service For VIP3 & VIP 4  ...23456 Ivan 2014-7-18 511072 Mous 2015-1-1 10:38
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