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Vote Free Bugs on Server  ...2 Darkangelzxs 2014-7-2 1788 biggyjess 2014-9-1 17:12
Vote Who thinks that mutinieed troops are way too expensive to redeem Aries 2014-7-11 353 biggyjess 2014-9-1 06:36
Vote how do you sey bobyhoby 2014-8-16 227 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:22
Vote How do you guys feel about the chat system? Rayleigh 2014-6-26 947 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:21
Vote Who thinks that research should be cheaper Aries 2014-8-16 320 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:20
Vote ANOTHER APP? Darkangelzxs 2014-7-10 867 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:20
Vote should they set what you get for dailys nipplez 2014-7-17 659 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:19
Vote Mail options Darkangelzxs 2014-7-10 851 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:19
Vote how do you say bobyhoby 2014-8-11 640 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:18
Vote Make the supply packs for 999 gold available longer?  ...2 253 2014-6-17 1575 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:18
Vote Email notification CptBeast 2014-8-23 17 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:17
Vote Would You Spend More If Wistone Was More Involved? 253 2014-6-15 428 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:16
Vote Do you think they should create a "free only" server?  ...23 hambone 2014-6-4 27130 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:16
Vote Vote bobyhoby 2014-8-14 544 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:15
Vote REWARDS  ...2 Darkangelzxs 2014-6-11 17108 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:13
Vote what about decreasing gold needed per elite commission  ...2 Egypt 2014-6-20 1589 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:13
Vote I Wish I was Ivan because?  ...2 Belly 2014-8-8 1251 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:12
Vote Commissary  ...2 Darkangelzxs 2014-6-19 1151 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:12
Vote FORUM UPGRADE!!!!!!!!! Darkangelzxs 2014-7-8 644 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:11
Vote UNIVERSAL CHAT BOX Darkangelzxs 2014-8-1 417 biggyjess 2014-8-31 23:11
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