Commanders Community of War2Victory

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daily pick khunbros 2014-8-15 28 YOOPY 2014-9-9 13:02
Vote About the game Egypt 2014-6-21 748 YOOPY 2014-9-9 13:01
Removing buildings 新人帖 LaZKa 2014-6-10 943 YOOPY 2014-9-9 13:01
would it be cool if. gm acutly had an battle team and randomly declared war christop 2014-8-12 415 YOOPY 2014-9-9 13:00
if not for hister and Stalin would communism have worked out ? 新人帖 wtfftg 2014-8-12 515 YOOPY 2014-9-9 12:59
Vote whos gayer out of the m4 allinz on e3 outlaws or wercohsen lol 新人帖 christop 2014-8-12 726 YOOPY 2014-9-9 12:58
Vote Do you think gm shoupd sell nameing tokens to rename all ofc even hero renameing christop 2014-8-12 522 YOOPY 2014-9-9 12:57
Vote who is stronger mack or moz on e3 christop 2014-8-12 424 YOOPY 2014-9-9 12:56
Ever wonder how to feed 10 mil troops? agree hambone 2014-6-12 551 YOOPY 2014-9-9 12:56
Vote what do you feel when you didnt win 5k dimes? khunbros 2014-8-5 1045 YOOPY 2014-9-9 12:54
Vote If you we're not to convince your captured officer, what would you do?  ...2 daveyfc16 2014-6-28 1689 YOOPY 2014-9-9 12:53
better ideals shankzilla 2014-7-26 518 YOOPY 2014-9-9 12:52
Same item 新人帖 one0one 2014-7-5 622 YOOPY 2014-9-9 12:48
Vote What if you can get birthday tokens on your birthday? 新人帖  ...2 [Bear]Medic 2014-7-17 1167 YOOPY 2014-9-9 12:47
this is bull  ...2 nipplez 2014-7-28 1539 YOOPY 2014-9-9 12:47
Vote What do players need?  ...23 Darkangelzxs 2014-6-12 2188 YOOPY 2014-9-9 12:43
cant log in 新人帖 Abrams 2014-8-1 210 YOOPY 2014-9-9 12:42
what happen to the polls nipplez 2014-9-4 210 nipplez 2014-9-9 12:42
VIP & Daily Sign In Dan-E1 2014-7-18 234 YOOPY 2014-9-9 12:41
Anti seize and Anti plunder is broken attach_img agree cohan 2014-7-24 729 YOOPY 2014-9-9 12:40
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